There’s no doubt it’s been a tough year for a lot of people. I’ve been extremely lucky and consider myself very, very fortunate.
Nonetheless, 2020 has been weird in too many ways to count but it’s had some really great parts too. Let’s all raise a glass to 2021 – stay safe out there everyone & take care of those closest to you now more than ever. 🙏
Happy new year, people.
Here’s to 2021 & never taking anything for granted! 🥂❤️🍾
This year I’m realizing I’m glad I started writing year reviews last year and this is something that I intend to keep doing.
Bigger Better ScaleMath
Haha, in all seriousness. We did technically grow by more than 10x. I’ve never been much of a “10x” growth at all costs type of person (in the slightest) but given that we incorporated just over a year ago, I’m extremely proud to say that we’ve not only stayed profitable but also significantly exceeded my expectations in terms of growth.
This coming year and the years to follow, growth is obviously still in the plan but, and perhaps most importantly, we’re hard at work to continue providing the best possible client experience out there. Going deeper with existing clients and finding out how we can grow their businesses beyond their expectations as well…
The fun part of being in the business of growing other peoples’ businesses is that doing what you do best automatically grows your own business too 🙂
Launching ScaleMath Pro
Aaaaanddd….we launched the ScaleMath Community!

Honestly, this might not seem like a huge deal but to me, it’s just beyond crazy. If someone would have asked me over a year ago if I would be a part of such an incredible community, let alone be the person running one – I would’ve thought it was impossible.
For more info about this sign up on the homepage – we’ll be sending out an email w/more information to everyone soon 😄
Speaking At My First (Virtual) Conference

With everything shut down, being able to speak alongside a global speaker line-up of some incredible people in the industry was an awesome experience (perhaps even more so than traditional conferences where only very few can travel there).
I try to limit the number of engagements like this I take part in as I find that it can be really time-consuming but WP FeedBack’s Virtual Summit is one that I truly support and one that is also supported by incredible businesses like RunCloud.
Getting interviewed by Jason Resnick For the Live In The Feast Season 8 Finale

It’s not every day you get the opportunity to be interviewed on a podcast you actually listened to. Jason is an awesome guy – so it really goes without saying that it was an absolute pleasure to talk to him about ScaleMath & all things SEO/content marketing…
Listen now: Alex Panagis on the Live In The Feast Season 8 Finale
Pushing ahead, let’s kill it (again) in 2021 ❤️
I hope you have an even better 2021 – and most importantly everyone you know stays healthy! ❤️
Never take anything for granted.
2020 is the year I turned 19 years old and strangely I am very glad that thanks to Coronavirus, it was the year I learned not to take anything for granted (i.e. relatively early on in life).
There are a lot of people struggling right now be it directly or indirectly, personally or in business. I won’t go into too much detail about my personal life, because everyone can already imagine the reasons 2020 has been difficult. Despite everything though, things could have been so much worse. In perspective 2020 has made everything we were worrying about, everything we were aiming for feel so insignificant and meaningless.
Everyone at ScaleMath is pumped that we made it through 2020 the way we did as a business & are beyond excited to continue working their very best to help our clients (and you) to take your business to the next level and smash through all of your goals. Let’s rock it in 2021! 🍾
As last year, I wrote a whole section with some plans for this year but won’t be including it. While I’m a big proponent of working in public, I actually work better when keeping my goals to myself. Typically, sharing your goals leads to premature praise from other people and partial satisfaction of accomplishing the goal that you haven’t even come close to. Therefore, I’d rather share my progress and receive praise for the actual work – as last year, my opinions on this remain unchanged and I intend on keeping the format consistent.
Most people reading this will likely already be able to tell what I want to (and therefore will be) working on in 2021 anyway. I am extremely happy with what I managed to accomplish in 2020 especially with all the craziness. Remember, it’s all about the process. Happy New Year!